Sunday, August 06, 2006
AmericanEast comes to town

This Tony Shaloub film AmericanEast has been filming in our little Atwater Village for the last few weeks. They caused a minor ruckus amongst the blogoshphere when us eagle-eyed restaurant lovers thought we had a new falafal place in the AV (not entirely improbable ever since India Sweets and Spices came to town).
For the last 3 days the production shot at a house on my corner. I know the script supervisor, Ari, so after seeing Miami Vice last night (Colin Farrell = SO hot), I stopped by to say hi. Turns out they were filming the last shot of the film. It was an establishing shot of the house, and instead of calling "cut" the director ran into the shot and the crew followed him, they were screaming and bouncing up and down like they had just won the World Cup. Hopefully, that will be me on September 14, when I finish my latest film!