Monday, June 27, 2005


Oh just give him the money

The New York Times wrote an article on the ongoing battle between Peter Jackson and New Line/Time Warner over the profits of his gazillion making Lord of the Rings trilogy. Fine. But they used an anonymous New Line source to say this:

A litigator for New Line, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he is working on this lawsuit, said the money paid to Mr. Jackson so far is in line with the contract he signed.

"Peter Jackson is an incredible filmmaker who did the impossible on 'Lord of the Rings,' " this lawyer said. "But there's a certain piggishness involved here. New Line already gave him enough money to rebuild Baghdad, but it's still not enough for him."

Oh, so he has enough money, so New Line as a company can just call it a day??? Thank God Slate picked up on this shoddy reporting by the NYT in using an anonymous source to slam Jackson. I know - Ross Johnson of the Times needs to NOT get called in front of a Grand Jury to out his lawyer source, but in a cruel twist of fate Mark Lisanti of Defamer goes to jail for 18 months for quoting both stories. That could never happen, right??

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