Tuesday, November 01, 2005


My Duty As An American

Well, I almost got out of Jury Duty in one day. I sat around all morning, didn't get called, didn't get called, read, fell asleep, wondered how many germs were floating around the windowless jury room, did some work on the computer, etc. Lunch was fun walking around, I almost splurged and went to Patina, but ended up at Koo Koo Roo. Unfortunately, MOCA was closed, they are putting up some surreal exhibit on VW Bugs. But the store was open so of course I did some shopping.
After my afternoon nap, it was getting towards the end of the day and I was feeling pretty good. People were actually finishing their service and were getting to leave. Then they called a whole bunch of us to a panel. And they told us to go across the street to a different court. As 40 or so of us were tromping across the street, I got to thinking this can't be good. And it wasn't - we ended up at the criminal court. I'm on a major panel. Of course I can't talk about it, but let's just say that some Very Bad Things were allegedly done by the defendant. Very, Very Bad. And if I'm on this jury, I'll be downtown for a very long time. They haven't gotten to question my group yet. I spent the whole time telling the guy next to me what was going on, because he was basically deaf. And we kept signalling the bailiff and doing the "Can't Hear" sign language. Baliff guy didn't seem to think it was a problem, not even after the judge read the nine bazillion charges against the defendant and my fellow juror didn't hear a thing. Tomorrow I get to be questioned and tell a room full of strange people things I don't want to tell them but that pertain to the case (D-R-U-G-S). It's sadly amusing to listen to everyone admit what they've been arrested for, what illigial substances they've taken, and other, worse things that I can tell you when I'm done.
Fingers crossed that I'm too.....something, and I get bounced on out of there and sent on my merry way.

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