Saturday, February 18, 2006
Lily, Lily, Lily

This is Lily, a dog that my friend Tina needed help foster caring for. She was rescued by the pound but then scheduled for the gas chamber. An animal rescue service saved her, then Tina took up her cause, and now, we're her foster home. She's turned my life upside down. We're just not used to having her around, and while she's sweet and adorable, she's high strung and needs lots of attention. Then yesterday I took her to the vet because I noticed she was bleeding like she was in heat, but she's been spayed so that's not supposed to happen. Well, they ended up doing an Xray and an ultrasound and found a big mass of something by her uterus. I had to take her to a hospital for emergency surgery, which is happening today. Oy! In the meantime we're trying to find her a permanent home. She's a pit bull/staff terrier mix. Despite the bad rap on these dogs, she couldn't be more loving and fun. She even responds to commands and looks like she could be trained quite easily. I've given her a bath, taken her to the vet, put her in a crate, etc. and I've never seen anything but total love from her. I wish I could keep her but it's just not possible with our unpredictable lifestyle (and Kyle's not a fan of dogs - boo). So if anyone knows of anyone who's interested, send them my way! We'll have spent all the time and money to make her 100%!
Having a dog is a whole new world of worry and responsibility. I think I take my unattached lifestyle for granted - it's just Kyle and I, no worries. We don't need to be home to feed anyone (except ourselves), we can go on trips and not worry....I guess this is good practice for having a kid!