Monday, December 04, 2006
The New Griffith Observatory

One of the greatest things about living in LA is a mild December heat waves. This weekend was picture perfect - clear, blue sky and 75 degrees. I took advantage of the great weather and took a long hike up to the new, improved Griffith Observatory. I've lived under or around the Observatory for over 10 years, so I was excited to see the improvements.

The main building is essentially the same, just more shiney and white. The grounds look way cleaner too. It helps that they don't let personal cars up there anymore - it cuts down on the traffic and pollution and crowds.

There's a new Cafe, aptly named the Cafe at the End of the World (shouldn't that be Cafe at the Top of the World??). Now that looks like a nifty place to take the family in from out-of-town.

James Dean still lives up there, or at least his statue. Rent "Rebel Without a Cause" to see the fantastic use of the Observatory grounds.
So sorry to the rest of the country - I'm going to enjoy this weather for as long as it lasts!